Setting sails

Setting sails
Friends Good Will


"Lord, you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have done for us." Isaiah 26:12

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Causes for thanks: A fifteen-foot desk, and a strong east wind.

In the last few years I've come to the conclusion that it's past time to cease disparaging Pollyanna and her attitude. Gladness and thanksgiving truly aren't hokey. They  train our minds to hope.

Yes, it's easy to be cynical about politics and the economy. They don't function as they should, because the world is broken.  We aren't in control, and our efforts to exert control are flawed. But we do still have the gift of our private thoughts and the opportunity to choose.

So, why am I thankful for a fifteen-foot desk, and a strong east wind? The desk supports green plants that were gifts from loving family and friends, and my perpetual piles of projects in progress. (A little too much alliteration, possibly?)

I've got library books to read for the comparative analysis for my book proposal, writing craft books, materials from a course my church is offering, and hand scribbled sheets of score paper that may some day really be a song.  There's also a Toastmaster speech I must prepare.

I'll be the first to admit that the stacks look a fright, but my favorite college professor once scolded me, saying: "God did not create you to be bored." It all means that I know people, and interact with them. Most of them seem to enjoy my company, despite my physical limitations.

I'm thankful that I'm capable of completing each project. Some may take more attempts than others, or some assistance from others, but I am not helpless.

Yes, I weary of the repetition of some chores, dish-washing and cooking most specifically, but I've learned to stand in the middle of my kitchen, and deliberately give thanks aloud for having food in the refrigerator to cook, electricity to operate the refrigerator, a stove to cook on, pans to cook in, and table ware to eat from. If by then my grumpy mood hasn't faded, I go on with my vocal thanks for any other area in my home or on my schedule where I have incomplete work.

You see, I've lived in close proximity to the mental and spiritual poison of critical complaining, and I don't enjoy the changes that can make in me. Since attitudes are so catching, and I've had my previous experience, I choose now to approach my life through the question: "What did you thank God for, today?"

Oh, that strong east wind? It's been making my wind chime ring continuously, and it's blowing in snow that will eventually make a photography opportunity. 

1 comment:

  1. Two thumbs up, Heidi! I plan to remember to give thanks to God for the things I have that, yes, are causing me trials--that without which I would be even worse off! What a wonderful lesson to learn and put into practice; giving thanks in all things.

    Working on it...
